If you don't remember where you left your keys, your bag or your BIP! please! take this test and inhance your memory!
Who did say these phrases?
a."Ok, you can be the teacher, now!"
1. Miss Johnson
2. Mr. Advani
3. Troy Jones
b."But, I'm reading now!"
1. Miss J
2. Troy Jones
3. Hakim
c. "I'm so mad at you I could spit, I don't want to talk to you"
1. Hakim
2. Dr. Horner
3.Miss J
d. "Will you let me come back to class and take my final tomorrow"
1. John
2. Hakim
3. Michael
e. "I sent him home"
1. Mr. Parker
2. Miss Grady
3.Miss J
f. "You are a winner"
1. Danny
2. Miss J
3. Jenny
g. "You are the best teacher I've had as far as teachers go"
1. Miguel
2. Troy Jones
3. Danny
h. "You are a good class and I enjoyed working with you today"
1. Mr. Mack
2. Miss J
3. Mr. Pablo
i. "I look forward to the next opportunity to share a learning experience with you"
1. Mr. Parker
2. Mr. Simms
3. Miss J
j. "I know they do not love me"
1. Miss J
2. Junior
3. Hal
k. "Three brains are better and faster"
1. Miss J
2. Hal
3. Mr. Parker
l. " Not like the guys in the movies who kill animals and stuff"
1. Jenny
2. Attiba Mack
3. Mr. Parker
m. " I am going to grade it on how much effort you put into it"
1. Miss Grady
2. Miss J
3. Mr. Simms
n. "...but I know I have to get an education so I can earn enough money to go and look for my mother one day"
1. Nikki Anderson
2. Mr. Advani
3. Miss J
ñ. " I want to know, honestly, what you would do if you were me"
1. Junior
2. Miss J
3. The Academy Math teacher
Now, check your answer! JUST in case you have finished!! okay!!!!
a.3/ b.3/ c.3/d.2/ e.2/ f.2/ g.2/ h.2/ i.3/ j.2/ k.1/l.1/ m.2/n.1/ ñ.2//
State + Private Schools = The same issues?
15 years ago