Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is my life!!!

My full name is Tania Aracelli González Ligüeño. I was born on September 29th, 1987 in Buin.
My childhood was a happy one. I grew up in a beautiful family. I am the second one of 4 nice siblings.

I had a nice time during my first 5 years of life. I used to play with my neighbours and siblings. I loved acting, dancing and singing. I remember that my neighbours, my sister and I sang "Las Pandoras`s songs". We really enojoyed those moments.

Up to the age of five, I started school. I really hated to go to my kindergarten 's classes. My teacher used to talk extremely loud and that it made me feel frightened. I studied my whole Primary Education in a small school in Alto Jahuel.

Now, when I look back to my childhood I remember it as a significant period where I could learn many things and built what I am now.

I remember that thanks to my mother I could develop a high sense of responsibility. I became a very good student. I won many prices for being the best classmate, for getting the best performances and grades. I could also develop my artistic streak in my primary school. I used to dance and sing in all the special shows that school had. Teachers were very important in that sense because they encauraged me to develop most of my abilities.

At the age of 10, One of my teachers chose me to be part of a project related to Phyical Education classes. I had to teach Physical Education classes to students who were in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4rd grades. I was a monitor. That was pretty interesting and fun. I could explore what it means to be a teacher.

I studied a secretarial course in a secondary school in Buin. At first it was difficult to adapt to the new school which was much more demanding . Teachers were extrict, and I did not know none of my classmates.

As time went on, I started making friends. As my parents were paying for my education. I tried to do my best during the 4 years that I studied there. As a result of my effort, I won a scholarship. When I graduated I got all the prices that school gave to their students. I was very proud of me. Nevertheless, the best of all was that I got alone with all my classmates. They always supported me.

After leaving school. I had to do my professional practice. I did it in Universidad Católica de Chile on computer science department. I had to manage the labs of the Psychology Faculty. Then I worked in a fruit company. I leant many things during that time. I had to take on responsabilites. I had to adapt to laboral world, share with adults and different kind of people.

On August, 2006, I worked in a Sencillito. I sold cigarretes, games of chance, and I paid people's accounts. I also learnt many things in that job. I felt that too much responsibility was on my shoulders. I remember that just in weekends I had to balance about 5 or 6 millions. Luckily, I never missed money. On the whole, those moments made me madure and learn meaningful things to life.

In 2007, I entered to Alberto Hurado University. I could discover a new world which was not easy at all. I had many problems during the first semester because I did not know anything about English. Fortunately, I had very good grades in the others subjects. However, as I did not have good grades in English, I did not care to have good grades in the others subjects.

Time started passing, and in 2008 I started being part of the Pastoral of the university. There I found another world. I have always being aware of social problems that Chile has, especially if they are related to poverty and education.

In 2008, I went to Misions with the Pastoral. To be frank, that moments have been the best ones of all my life. I was full of love. I smiled the whole day and I did not miss anybody. There I had all love that I needed. During these 2 years I have continued working in " apostolados" that Pastoral has. Now I am in 2 apostolados which are related to Education. I did confirmation, as well. Every winter, I go to the south or north of Chile to built houses to people who need it. Most of them are extremely BEAUTIFUL human beings.

I think that all those moments have helped me to be what I am now. I strongly believe that failures and triumph have made me learn and discover how wonderful life is.

...and I have a boyfriend since I was 17. I love him!